property Object ( [language] => en [id] => 11231 [unit_id] => 26803 [row] => Array ( [property_id] => 11231 [property_code] => HR-11231 [property_type_id] => 10 [property_name] => Array ( [en] => Apartmani Aversu ) [description_short] => [description_long] => [description_o_poliklinici] => [chain] => [resort] => [category] => 3 [lat] => 45.36149 [lon] => 13.58203 [address1] => Fiorini 2h [address2] => [zip] => 52474 [destination] => Fiorini [destination_id] => HR-52474-03 [island] => [subregion_id] => UMAG_NOVIGRAD [region_id] => ISTRA_KVARNER [country_id] => HR [tel1] => [tel2] => [fax1] => [fax2] => [email1] => [email2] => [web] => [trust_you] => [priority] => Array ( [country] => 999 [region] => 999 [destination] => 999 ) [booktype] => Array ( [0] => 100 ) [facilities2] => Array ( [check_in_out] => Array ( [] => Array ( [unit_page_view] => Array ( [value] => standard_unit_view [translation] => unit_page_view [facility] => unit_page_view ) [property_obracun] => Array ( [value] => PPOM [translation] => property_obracun [facility] => property_obracun ) [checkin_od] => Array ( [value] => 15:00 [translation] => checkin_od [facility] => checkin_od ) [checkin_do] => Array ( [value] => 20:00 [translation] => checkin_do [facility] => checkin_do ) [checkout_od] => Array ( [value] => [translation] => checkout_od [facility] => checkout_od ) [checkout_do] => Array ( [value] => 10:00 [translation] => checkout_do [facility] => checkout_do ) ) ) [property_in_main_set] => Array ( [spa_pool] => Array ( [in_pool_open_normalwater_noheat] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => in_pool_open_normalwater_noheat [facility] => in_pool_open_normalwater_noheat ) ) [sg_special] => Array ( [special_summer] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => char_special_summer [facility] => special_summer ) ) [sg_language] => Array ( [language_hr] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => char_language_hr [facility] => language_hr ) [language_en] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => char_language_en [facility] => language_en ) [language_de] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => char_language_de [facility] => language_de ) [language_it] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => char_language_it [facility] => language_it ) ) ) [property_backyard] => Array ( [parking_garage] => Array ( [in_parking_place] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => char_in_parking_place [facility] => in_parking_place ) ) ) [property_infrastructure] => Array ( [sg_electricity] => Array ( [electricity_network_220] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => electricity_network_220 [facility] => electricity_network_220 ) ) [sg_hot_water] => Array ( [hot_water_boiler_electric] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => hot_water_boiler_electric [facility] => hot_water_boiler_electric ) ) [sg_water] => Array ( [water_supply] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => water_supply [facility] => water_supply ) ) ) [property_payment_reservation_cond] => Array ( [sg_paying] => Array ( [paying_diners] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => paying_diners [facility] => paying_diners ) [paying_master] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => paying_master [facility] => paying_master ) [paying_visa] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => paying_visa [facility] => paying_visa ) [paying_cash] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => paying_cash [facility] => paying_cash ) [paying_maestro] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => paying_maestro [facility] => paying_maestro ) ) ) [property_location_view] => Array ( [sg_view] => Array ( [view_sea] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => view_sea [facility] => view_sea ) ) ) [property_food_beverages] => Array ( [sg_property_food_beverages_main] => Array ( [meals_in_property] => Array ( [value] => meals_not_serve [translation] => meals_in_property [facility] => meals_in_property ) ) [sg_property_food_bev_meals] => Array ( [breakfast_in_property] => Array ( [value] => breakfast_not_serve [translation] => breakfast_in_property [facility] => breakfast_in_property ) [lunch_in_property] => Array ( [value] => lunch_not_serve [translation] => lunch_in_property [facility] => lunch_in_property ) [dinner_in_property] => Array ( [value] => dinner_not_serve [translation] => dinner_in_property [facility] => dinner_in_property ) ) ) ) [work_hours] => Array ( [mon] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => 08:00:00 [end] => 20:00:00 ) ) [tue] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => 08:00:00 [end] => 20:00:00 ) ) [wed] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => 08:00:00 [end] => 20:00:00 ) ) [thu] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => 08:00:00 [end] => 20:00:00 ) ) [fri] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => 08:00:00 [end] => 20:00:00 ) ) [sat] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => 08:00:00 [end] => 13:00:00 ) ) ) [social] => Array ( ) [property_contact] => Array ( ) [advertised_status] => [phone] => [open_from] => 06-01 [open_until] => 09-30 [check_in_from] => [check_out_until] => [facilities] => Array ( [0] => electricity_network_220 [1] => water_supply [2] => hot_water_supply ) [distances] => Array ( ) [pictures] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1536 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [1] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1536 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [2] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [3] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [4] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [5] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [6] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1536 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [7] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1536 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [8] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1536 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [9] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1536 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) ) [description] => Array ( [en] => ) [cancellation_policy] => Array ( [en] => ) [payment_schedule] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [date_base] => date_option [days] => 0 [percent] => 30 [method_1] => bankaccount [method_2] => creditcard [method_3] => ) [1] => Array ( [date_base] => date_checkin [days] => 0 [percent] => 70 [method_1] => cash [method_2] => bankaccount [method_3] => creditcard ) ) [id_owner_c] => 382556 [owner_naziv] => PERO ČUKIĆ [owner_web] => [owner_address] => [owner_zip] => [owner_place] => [owner_country] => [id_bureau_by_client] => 125992 [agency_naziv] => Plavo more d.o.o. [agency_code] => HR AB-52040027990 [agency_address] => [agency_zip] => [agency_place] => [agency_country] => [agency_contacts] => Array ( [EMAIL] => [email protected] [TEL] => 052/742 533 ) [meersicht_naziv] => AIRentals - Meersicht [meersicht_code] => [meersicht_address] => Bergstrasse 141 [meersicht_zip] => CH-8032 [meersicht_place] => Zurich [meersicht_country] => CH [meersicht_contacts] => Array ( [EMAIL] => [email protected] [MOB] => +385 98 224 808 [TEL] => +41 44 545 55 55 ) [property_units] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id_cjenik] => 72179 [property_id] => 11231 [inquiry] => 1 [online] => 0 [property_unit_id] => 26803 [property_unit_code] => HR-11231-01 [property_unit_type_id] => 9 [island] => [city] => Fiorini [id_country] => HR [property_unit_name] => Array ( [en] => STD ) [unit_type_name] => Studio-suite [property_type_name] => Private suites [lat] => 45.361490 [lon] => 13.582030 [category] => 3 [owner_email] => [email protected] [description_unit_short] => [description_unit_long] => [quantity] => 4 [area] => 30 [floor] => 0 [persons_beds_basic] => 0 [persons_beds_additional] => 3 [facilities] => Array ( [check_in_out] => Array ( [] => Array ( [property_obracun] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => PPOM [translation] => Calculation type ) [checkin_od] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 15:00 [translation] => Check-in from ) [checkin_do] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 20:00 [translation] => Check-in until ) [checkout_od] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => [translation] => Check-out from ) [checkout_do] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 10:00 [translation] => Check-out until ) ) ) [property_in_main_set] => Array ( [spa_pool] => Array ( [in_pool_open_normalwater_noheat] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => pool - open, no heat, normal water ) ) [sg_special] => Array ( [special_summer] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => summer vacation [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [sg_language] => Array ( [language_hr] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Croatian [lat] => [lon] => ) [language_en] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => English [lat] => [lon] => ) [language_de] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => German [lat] => [lon] => ) [language_it] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Italian [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_backyard] => Array ( [parking_garage] => Array ( [in_parking_place] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => Private parking place ) ) ) [property_infrastructure] => Array ( [sg_electricity] => Array ( [electricity_network_220] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => network 220 V [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [sg_hot_water] => Array ( [hot_water_boiler_electric] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => electric boiler [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [sg_water] => Array ( [water_supply] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => water supply [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_payment_reservation_cond] => Array ( [sg_paying] => Array ( [paying_diners] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Diners [lat] => [lon] => ) [paying_master] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Master Card [lat] => [lon] => ) [paying_visa] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Visa [lat] => [lon] => ) [paying_cash] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => cash [lat] => [lon] => ) [paying_maestro] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Maestro debit card [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_location_view] => Array ( [sg_view] => Array ( [view_sea] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => sea [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_food_beverages] => Array ( [sg_property_food_beverages_main] => Array ( [meals_in_property] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => meals_not_serve [translation] => Meals in property ) ) [sg_property_food_bev_meals] => Array ( [breakfast_in_property] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => breakfast_not_serve [translation] => Breakfast ) [lunch_in_property] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => lunch_not_serve [translation] => Lunch ) [dinner_in_property] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => dinner_not_serve [translation] => Dinner ) ) ) ) [structure] => Array ( ) [booktype] => Array ( [0] => 100 ) [bed_linen] => included [towels] => included [dish_towels] => included [facilities_unit] => Array ( [maindata] => Array ( [unit_maindata_others] => Array ( [smoking] => Array ( [value] => off [translation] => no smoking ) ) [unit_building_facilities] => Array ( [dostupnost_inv_kolica] => Array ( [value] => no_wheelchair_accessible [translation] => Adapted for people with special needs ) [unit_floor] => Array ( [value] => first_floor [translation] => Floor location ) [entire_property_on_ground_floor] => Array ( [value] => upper_floor_reachable_by_stairs_only [translation] => Floor, upper floors aproach ) [private_entrance] => Array ( [value] => no_private_entrance [translation] => Unit entrance ) [floors_in_unit] => Array ( [value] => floors_number_1 [translation] => Number of floors ) ) ) ) [pictures] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26803 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1536 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [1] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26803 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1536 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [2] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26803 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [3] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26803 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [4] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26803 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [5] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26803 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [6] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1536 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [7] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1536 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [8] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [9] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [10] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [11] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) ) [rooms] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 26803 [property_unit_room_id] => 81031 [property_unit_room_type_id] => kitchen_dining_living_sleeping [property_unit_room_type_name] => Kitchen + dininig + living room with beds [area] => [floor] => [balcony_area] => [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( [refrigerator] => Array ( [translation] => refrigerator [group] => kitchen ) [dishes] => Array ( [translation] => dishes [group] => kitchen ) ) [persons_beds_basic] => 0 [persons_beds_additional] => 3 [beds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [bed_type] => sofa2 [bed_name] => sofa [quantity] => 1 [persons] => 2 [group] => additional ) [1] => Array ( [bed_type] => extra_stretch [bed_name] => additional bed (80-100x200) [quantity] => 1 [persons] => 1 [group] => additional ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 26803 [property_unit_room_id] => 81032 [property_unit_room_type_id] => bathroom_toilet [property_unit_room_type_name] => Bathroom + WC [area] => [floor] => [balcony_area] => [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( [washbasin] => Array ( [translation] => washbasin [group] => unit_bathroom_equipment ) [unit_wc] => Array ( [translation] => WC [group] => unit_bathroom_equipment ) [shower] => Array ( [translation] => shower [group] => unit_bathroom_equipment ) ) [persons_beds_basic] => 0 [persons_beds_additional] => 0 [beds] => Array ( ) ) ) [bathroom_count] => 1 [bedroom_count] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [id_cjenik] => 72180 [property_id] => 11231 [inquiry] => 1 [online] => 0 [property_unit_id] => 26804 [property_unit_code] => HR-11231-02 [property_unit_type_id] => 10 [island] => [city] => Fiorini [id_country] => HR [property_unit_name] => Array ( [en] => B6 ) [unit_type_name] => 2-room-suite [property_type_name] => Private suites [lat] => 45.361490 [lon] => 13.582030 [category] => 3 [owner_email] => [email protected] [description_unit_short] => [description_unit_long] => [quantity] => 1 [area] => 70 [floor] => 0 [persons_beds_basic] => 4 [persons_beds_additional] => 2 [facilities] => Array ( [check_in_out] => Array ( [] => Array ( [property_obracun] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => PPOM [translation] => Calculation type ) [checkin_od] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 15:00 [translation] => Check-in from ) [checkin_do] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 20:00 [translation] => Check-in until ) [checkout_od] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => [translation] => Check-out from ) [checkout_do] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => 10:00 [translation] => Check-out until ) ) ) [property_in_main_set] => Array ( [spa_pool] => Array ( [in_pool_open_normalwater_noheat] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => pool - open, no heat, normal water ) ) [sg_special] => Array ( [special_summer] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => summer vacation [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [sg_language] => Array ( [language_hr] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Croatian [lat] => [lon] => ) [language_en] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => English [lat] => [lon] => ) [language_de] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => German [lat] => [lon] => ) [language_it] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Italian [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_backyard] => Array ( [parking_garage] => Array ( [in_parking_place] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => on [translation] => Private parking place ) ) ) [property_infrastructure] => Array ( [sg_electricity] => Array ( [electricity_network_220] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => network 220 V [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [sg_hot_water] => Array ( [hot_water_boiler_electric] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => electric boiler [lat] => [lon] => ) ) [sg_water] => Array ( [water_supply] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => water supply [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_payment_reservation_cond] => Array ( [sg_paying] => Array ( [paying_diners] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Diners [lat] => [lon] => ) [paying_master] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Master Card [lat] => [lon] => ) [paying_visa] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Visa [lat] => [lon] => ) [paying_cash] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => cash [lat] => [lon] => ) [paying_maestro] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => Maestro debit card [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_location_view] => Array ( [sg_view] => Array ( [view_sea] => Array ( [value] => on [translation] => sea [lat] => [lon] => ) ) ) [property_food_beverages] => Array ( [sg_property_food_beverages_main] => Array ( [meals_in_property] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => meals_not_serve [translation] => Meals in property ) ) [sg_property_food_bev_meals] => Array ( [breakfast_in_property] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => breakfast_not_serve [translation] => Breakfast ) [lunch_in_property] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => lunch_not_serve [translation] => Lunch ) [dinner_in_property] => Array ( [lat] => [lon] => [value] => dinner_not_serve [translation] => Dinner ) ) ) ) [structure] => Array ( ) [booktype] => Array ( [0] => 100 ) [bed_linen] => included [towels] => included [dish_towels] => included [facilities_unit] => Array ( [maindata] => Array ( [unit_maindata_others] => Array ( [smoking] => Array ( [value] => off [translation] => no smoking ) ) [unit_building_facilities] => Array ( [dostupnost_inv_kolica] => Array ( [value] => no_wheelchair_accessible [translation] => Adapted for people with special needs ) [unit_floor] => Array ( [value] => first_floor [translation] => Floor location ) [entire_property_on_ground_floor] => Array ( [value] => upper_floor_reachable_by_stairs_only [translation] => Floor, upper floors aproach ) [private_entrance] => Array ( [value] => no_private_entrance [translation] => Unit entrance ) [floors_in_unit] => Array ( [value] => floors_number_1 [translation] => Number of floors ) ) ) ) [pictures] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26804 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1536 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [1] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26804 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1536 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [2] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26804 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [3] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26804 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [4] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26804 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [5] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26804 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [6] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26804 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [7] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26804 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [8] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26804 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [9] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26804 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [10] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26804 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [11] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 26804 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [12] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1536 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [13] => Array ( [main_picture] => 1 [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1536 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [14] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [15] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [16] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) [17] => Array ( [id_property] => 11231 [id_unit] => 0 [url] => [width] => 1200 [height] => 900 [tags] => Array ( [0] => main ) ) ) [rooms] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 26804 [property_unit_room_id] => 81029 [property_unit_room_type_id] => living_sleeping_room [property_unit_room_type_name] => Living/bedroom [area] => [floor] => [balcony_area] => [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( ) [persons_beds_basic] => 0 [persons_beds_additional] => 2 [beds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [bed_type] => sofa2 [bed_name] => sofa [quantity] => 1 [persons] => 2 [group] => additional ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 26804 [property_unit_room_id] => 81027 [property_unit_room_type_id] => sleeping_room [property_unit_room_type_name] => Bedroom [area] => [floor] => [balcony_area] => [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( ) [persons_beds_basic] => 2 [persons_beds_additional] => 0 [beds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [bed_type] => double160 [bed_name] => double bed (160x200) [quantity] => 1 [persons] => 2 [group] => basic ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 26804 [property_unit_room_id] => 81028 [property_unit_room_type_id] => sleeping_room [property_unit_room_type_name] => Bedroom [area] => [floor] => [balcony_area] => [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( ) [persons_beds_basic] => 2 [persons_beds_additional] => 0 [beds] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [bed_type] => double160 [bed_name] => double bed (160x200) [quantity] => 1 [persons] => 2 [group] => basic ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [property_unit_id] => 26804 [property_unit_room_id] => 81030 [property_unit_room_type_id] => bathroom_toilet [property_unit_room_type_name] => Bathroom + WC [area] => [floor] => [balcony_area] => [room_terrace_area] => [facilities] => Array ( [washbasin] => Array ( [translation] => washbasin [group] => unit_bathroom_equipment ) [unit_wc] => Array ( [translation] => WC [group] => unit_bathroom_equipment ) [washing_machine] => Array ( [translation] => washing machine [group] => unit_bathroom_equipment ) [shower] => Array ( [translation] => shower [group] => unit_bathroom_equipment ) ) [persons_beds_basic] => 0 [persons_beds_additional] => 0 [beds] => Array ( ) ) ) [bathroom_count] => 1 [bedroom_count] => 2 ) ) ) [error_arr] => Array ( ) )
Plavo more d.o.o.
Code: HR AB-52040027990
E-mail: | [email protected] |
Phone: | 052/742 533 |
Plavo more d.o.o.
The security code can usually be found on the signature strip on the back of most cards. In most cases the security code is the last 3 digits printed on this signature strip as shown below.
With American Express cards, the security code is the four digits printed just above the card number.